What's an idea worth these days?

"An idea is worthless unless you use it." (John Maxwell)
Today, we are absolutely overloaded with information - some good, some bad, and lots in between. Even if you are savvy enough to filter out the bad and mediocre and learn something good and worth learning, do you actually use that information? Do you apply it? Or...are you like most people and stash it away in the "Use Someday" file?
If you know, why don't you implement? I have several theories! One of them (covered in a recent Monday's Thoughts) is fear! Remember, fear can seem paralyzing, but it can be overcome! Some people do anything to avoid pain, which is totally normal human behavior. Unfortunately, they avoid implementing something that could be a solution to a problem or could allow them to experience phenomenal growth, because they view it as potentially painful (like making big changes or confrontational situations). If fear still keeps you from implementing something you know you need to do or want to do, try this: Think back on a time you overcame a fear, removed an obstacle, or went through a major change in your life. Guess what? You survived! In fact, you have survived 100% of every single thing that has happened to you so far! That is a pretty amazing track record! So, what are you afraid of? Declare here and now what it is that you need to do, think about how it will make things better for you, get excited about it...then do it! Do it today and use that excitement to propel you forward! Do not procrastinate any longer because the speed of implementation is crucial! (We will discuss this point next week) Need more help? There is a reason the following simple formula epitomizes my coaching program: Learning + Implementation = Growth If you are eager to learn, but are failing to implement, share with me what you want to implement and allow me to help! I want to help you GROW! |